Algorithmic vision of the ASCII shapes
Recently, I solved a task of identifying rectangular two-dimensional shapes in ASCII diagram. The task was difficult and interesting, it look like simple computer vision. I have written an algorithm to solve it and I want to write more about it.
The script takes ASCII diagram in an array and returns an array with separate shapes, like this:
“| |”,
“| |”,
“| |”,
“| | |”,
“| | |”,
“| |”,
“| |”,
“| |”,
“| |”,
“| |”,
“| |”,
“| |”,
And script can identify different shapes like this:
[ "+--+ +----+--+",
"| | | | |",
"| +-+----+----+ |",
"| | | | |",
"| +-+----+ | |",
"| | | |",
"+--+-----------+--+"]correct answer
['+--+ ',
'| | ',
'| +-+',
'| |',
'| +-+',
'| | ',
'+--+ '], ['+----+',
'| |',
'| |',
'| |',
'| |',
'| |',
'| |',
'| |',
[' +----+',
' | |',
'+------+ |',
'| |',
]it look like tetris 😀
Here few rules for ASCII diagram:
- Diagram can contain only ‘+’, ‘-‘, ‘|‘ and space,
- Shapes can’t be nested.
How to do it?
- First, need to formulate the algorithm.
- Second, need to program it.
My algorithm works as follows:
- Step 1: Find nearest ‘+’ in upper left corner in ASCII diagram.
- Step 2: Collect a shape moving clockwise. Save it in an array.
- Step 3: Remove collected shape from ASCII diagram.
- Step 4: Remove whitespace from all sides in ASCII diagram.
- Step 5: If ASCII diagram is not empty and contain ‘+’ go to step 1.
- Step 6: Return an array with collected shapes.
I programmed it with javascript. You can see source in github. And you can clone and use it. Link to github.
But what is next?
My solution is very good, but script can be improved. For example, script should work with triangle and other not-rectangular figures. Like this:
"|\ /|",
"| \ / |",
"| * |",
"| / \ |",
"|/ \|",
"*-----*"]correct answer
" \ / ",
" \ / ",
" * "], ["* ",
"|\ ",
"| \ ",
"| *",
"| / ",
"|/ ",
"* "], [" *",
" /|",
" / |",
"* |",
" \ |",
" \|",
" *"], [" * ",
" / \ ",
" / \ ",
It will be very good, maybe I should improve it in future. Or someone can realize it and push code to repository.